3rd – 29th Novembr 2019
el sabanero eco lodge, tamarindo, costa rica
Join us for the adventure of a life time
the heart of yoga · THE AWAKENED VOICE
old school vinyasa krama · nada yoga · kirtan
Overview & Curriculum
During our 4 week residential program, you will receive 200 hours of intensive training with practical teaching experience beginning in week one. Steadily progressive practicums will build your confidence and help you find your authentic voice. You will receive nurturing feedback and personalised coaching to support your blossoming into a strong, self-assured and skillful teacher.
Awaken to your fullest potential, Heal through self compassion & understanding and Transform into the fearless, purposeful being you are when limiting beliefs are dissolved. This course is a transformational journey of self-discovery, deep connection and authentic sharing. You will be guided and supported in identifying and transcending limiting beliefs, connecting with your personal power and discovering your authentic voice. From this place of radical honesty and vulnerability, you will develop your personal practice, connect deeply with yourself and the group, and develop solid teaching skills.
Course Content
The Heart of Yoga lineage of Sri T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar has been passed directly to Emma Warmington from Mark Whitwell over the last 8 years. Experience Yoga as intimacy with yourself and asana, pranayama and meditation as one seamless process. You will learn Krishnamacharya's Principles of Practice to assess your own and your students needs and to adapt Yoga to meet those needs in one-on-one and specialist classes. Breath Initiating Movement is at heart of all practices. This is not 'inhale do this, exhale do this'; this is a powerful means of practicing whist entirely enveloped by the breath. Whether Brahmana (energising, heating), Langhana (soothing, cooling) or blend, of the two, you will learn how to adapt Yoga to suit the needs of the individuals even in a mixed level class.
Without breath, there is no Yoga. With the breath, a world of subtle and not so subtle energies comes alive within us. Asana as moving pranayama, meditation as an exquisite and effortless result, utter intimacy between body and breath. There is nothing like it and if you have not yet experienced a dedicated practice of pranayama, this will be your time to become the scientist, the experiment, the subject matter and the results. Learn techniques to generate and manage your life force energy in entirely new ways. Expect to practice at least an hour of pranayama techniques every day. Only by practicing consistently can you begin to authentically experience the effects yourself and be ready to teach others.
Teaching Practicums
As always with Jivani Yoga, teaching practicums begin in week one. You will be teaching your peers from the first few days of the training and you will be nurtured, guided & supported with useful feedback, encouragement and leadership skills that will steadily increase your self-confidence and empower you be a great teacher. We have a method, but there is nothing formulaic about the way we train our teachers. Each trainee receives individualized support that is dependent upon their particular needs. Upon graduation, you will be ready to start teaching in your community.
During this training, we will practice the art of mindfulness and experience its healing impact on our life. We will explore the relationship between our body, thoughts and emotions and how we can transform negative patterns. We will dive deep into the practice of sitting and walking meditation and applied mindfulness in everyday life. In asana classes you will experience meditation as the gift that arises when Yoga is practiced.
Find, explore and liberate your authentic voice through voice exercises, toning and singing.
Nada Yoga, the Yoga of Sound, invites you to experience your body as an instrument and connect with the physical sensations of sound in your body. Kirtan is the singing of Sanskrit mantras in a call and response style and is a joyous path to pure bliss. We will raise the roof in a weekly kirtan session whilst encouraging those of who hear a quiet whisper about leading a chant to step up. Bring your instruments with you or we'll be your band.
You can sing, by the way. We all can. It is merely the extension of spoken sound through breath. Your soul has its own song and through the voice work sessions, we will begin to unveil this sacred self expression. Can you imagine having full freedom of expression through speaking and singing? What would change in your life if you were deeply connected to your inner voice and able to express your needs and desires clearly? Ask for what you want? Connect and listen deeply to the voice or your intuition? How would your relationships change? Your work life? Home life? Sex life? What if you made decisions based not on 'shoulds' or other people's opinion of you but from a place of deep connection to your inner voice? What would you do and who would you be with this freedom? This is not only possible, it's yours for the taking.
Inspired by the work of Marshall Rosenberg, learn about the universal needs that we all share, eg. connection, honesty, peace, meaning, recognition and to be known and understood, how to recognise these needs in ourselves and others and communicate them with compassion. Unfortunately many of us are unable to express our needs in a clear and peaceful way, and we all struggle as a result. We'll practice using the tools together to heighten connection, resolve conflict, increase empathy and create significance in our every day lives.
Deep self-enquiry is facilitated individually and through group circles and triads. Active listening and authentic sharing takes place within a supportive environment, creating a healing space of connection and community. Truth speaking and being witnessed in that truth is a powerful medium of transformation. If the idea of this feels you with dread, that is a normal response. If however a quiet part of you knows that your soul is calling for such deep connection, you are in the right place.
Poly-Vagal Theory, titration, settling the nervous system, bringing the body towards homeostasis in a gentle and trauma appropriate manner. Restorative yoga for deep rest and relaxtion. Much needed in a world of constant stimulation.
EFT or tapping is a fantastic tool to assist with expanding the edge of your comfort zone. You will be lead through some group experiences of EFT and supported in continued self practice.
Marketing, Legalities & Ethics of Yoga Teachers, Insights, Inspiration and support in getting you started on the teaching path.
A genuine interest in the lineage of Krishnamacharya, Desikachar & Mark Whitwell and the teachings that have been left out of modern postural yoga. A willingness to set aside previous trainings and patterns acquired from derivatives of Mr Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois. We’re not saying forever, but to allow the teachings of this Yoga of Intimacy into your system. Our aim is that you 100% understand what this lineage is, and why it’s preservation is important. If you have many years practice in MPY, you will be able to bring the Heart of this lineage into your existing practice and add it to your teaching.
“Today, I’m out teaching real yoga. Only a couple days after the training was finished I held my first class and it was a (shaky) success. One beautiful thing with this trainings is that you get to practice actual teaching and not just how to teach without putting it in action. I could never have done it without all the love and help from Emma, the team and all the other students.”
your teaching team
If you are ready to embark on a truly extraordinary adventure of self-discovery, personal growth and profound transformation, this training is for you.
“The connections and personal transformation that inevitably evolve from a month in tropical jungle paradise together are one of the most potent parts of the training. It was such a gift to be in the presence of so many kind, strong, inspired and supportive people. I still feel a strong sense of love and support from our intimate group. It was pure magic.””
Sample Schedule (Subject to change)
07.00 - 10.00 Morning Practice. Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra
10.00 - 11.00 Breakfast & morning swim
11.00 - 13.00 Lectures, Theory, Methodology
13.00 - 16.00 Lunch, Reading, Homework, Integration
16.00 - 18.30 Afternoon Asana, Teaching Practice, Discussion
We will meet some evenings for practice, kirtan, group meals and movies.
Early Bird! Register by 30th August 2019 USD3200 (USD800 deposit required)
Standard price thereafter USD3500 (USD800 deposit required)
Full Balance for all participants due by 21st September 2019
El sabanero Eco lodge, tamarindo, costa Rica
Accommodation & Meal packages.
Triple Share Chalet - $1100
Twin Share Chalet - $1350
Single Chalet - $1950
Tuition & Accommodation Price includes:
Jivani Yoga Teacher Training Manual & certificate upon graduation
26 nights accommodation in either single, twin or triple share room
3 delicious vegetarian meals per day Monday to Friday & Sunday. Breakfast only on Saturday.
Wifi in the resort's public areas
Flights, international airport transfers, travel insurance and day trips are not included.
2 nights at Tabacon Resort & Spa, Arenal, Costa Rica. 29th November - 1st December.
One of the most stunning places on God's green earth. A luxury hot springs with 39° volcanic water running through upwards of 20 incredible pools for commune with nature, rest and integration. We happened upon it by accident, and hope for it to become a regular feature on this training. In 2017 every participant made the trip and absolutely loved it. The cost was approx $300 for 2 nights in a triple share.
When booking your place on the training, we will provide the latest updates on this add-on.
If you are accepted onto the course, a non refundable deposit of USD$800 is required to secure your place and your chosen accommodation option.
The full balance for tuition and accommodation is due by 21st September 2019. We accept Transferwise, bank transfers and PayPal.
Payment plans are available upon request.
If you withdraw from the training for any reason on or before 30st August 2019 you will receive a refund of tuition fees minus the non-refundable deposit and all bank fees involved in the transactions. If you withdraw 31st August or after, no refunds will be given. These cancellation conditions are strict, we highly recommend you purchase good travel insurance that will cover you for any losses incurred by unexpected illness, cancellation or curtailment.
The closest international airport is Liberia and transfers cost approx US$50. San Jose International airport is 5 hours away by car and transfers can be arranged for approx US$200 for up to 4 people. You can also fly with Nature Air from SJO to Tamarindo for approx US$100.
“This training allowed me to flourish into myself more fully. To believe in my ability to teach and empower others. To share my voice, my gifts, my heart. To continuously challenge myself to deepen into my practice in whatever form that means for me. I am teaching now and feel deeply grateful to all my teachers who have guided me along this path.””